Tam-Tam Kid Bedroom | Chambre d'enfants Tam-Tam

Donators' Privilege: Download the whole set in one click | Privilège des Donateurs: Téléchargement du set en un clic
All the files of the set can be downloaded for free below, one by one. | Tous les fichiers du set peuvent être téléchargés gratuitement un par un ci-dessous.

As you know, in the Sims 4, we need to simulate a lot. After all, it's a simulation game, right? So, we don't have proper bunk or loft beds, but we can simulate those with mattresses without footprint. The good side is that, with a no-footprint mattress on the bottom, nothing prevents a Sim to use the upper mattress. The bad side is that nothing prevents them neither to walk through the mattress. *sigh*

Comme vous avez sans doute remarqué, il faut beaucoup simuler avec les Sims 4. Après tout, c'est un jeu de simulation! Puisque nous n'avons pas de lits superposés à proprement parler, il faut ruser... On peut les simuler en utilisant des matelas sans empreintes (no-footprint), qui ne bloque pas le Sim qui voudrait utiliser le matelas du haut, mais qui ne bloque pas non plus un Sim qui voudrait marcher à travers... *soupirs*

Downloads | Téléchargements
Bunk bed frame | Cadre de lits superposés
New mesh in 3 variations designed by Sandy
Bunk bed
A new version is recommanded - here
Une nouvelle version est recommandée - ici
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2017, May 5th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Loft bed frame | Cadre de lit mezzanine
New mesh in 3 variations designed by Sandy
Loft bed
A new version is recommanded - here
Une nouvelle version est recommandée - ici
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2017, May 5th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Single bed frame | Cadre de lit
New mesh in 3 variations designed by Sandy
Single bed frame
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2017, May 5th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Toddler bed frame | Cadre de lit pour bambin
New mesh in 3 variations designed by Sandy
Activity table
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2017, May 5th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Crib frame | Berceau
New mesh in 3 variations designed by Sandy
Activity table
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2017, May 5th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Stackable end table | Table d'appoint empilable
New mesh in 21 variations designed by Sandy
Activity table
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2017, May 5th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Activity table | Table d'activité
New mesh in 3 variations designed by Sandy
Activity table
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2017, May 5th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Bookshelf | Bibliothèque
New mesh in 3 variations designed by Sandy
Activity table
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2017, May 5th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Updated the: 2017, December 14th (for Cats & Dogs patch)

Dresser | Commode
New mesh in 3 variations designed by Sandy
Activity table
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2017, May 5th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Updated the: 2017, December 14th (for Cats & Dogs patch)
Desk | Bureau
New mesh in 3 variations designed by Sandy
Activity table
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2017, May 5th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Stool | Tabouret
New mesh in 16 variations designed by Sandy
Activity table
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2017, May 5th
Other version(s): Sims 3
Updated the: 2021, April 9th

Toybox | Coffre à jouets
New mesh in 6 variations designed by Sandy
Activity table
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2017, May 5th
Other version(s): Sims 3
Updated the: 2017, December 14th (for Cats & Dogs patch)

IKEA Toddler Mattress | Matelas et draps IKEA pour bambins
Mesh in 6 variations designed by Sandy
Activity table
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2017, May 5th

IKEA-like single mattress | Matelas et draps à la IKEA
For bottom bunk bed - no footprint | Pour lit superposé, en bas - sans empreinte
New mesh in 6 variations designed by Sandy
Single bed

Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2020, February 21st

IKEA-like single mattress | Matelas et draps à la IKEA
For top bunk bed or loft bed | Pour lit superposé, en haut ou mezzanine
New mesh in 6 variations designed by Sandy
Single bed

Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2020, February 21st

A "!", without quotes, is now needed at the end of your password to get it working!

Un point d'exclamation est désormais nécessaire à la fin de votre mot de passe pour qu'il fonctionne à nouveau!

Ex: mypassword --> mypassword!
"Account compromised"
Google false warning
Did you get a warning from Google about your account here being compromised?
It's a false warning, read more about it here

Vous avez reçu un mail de Google vous signalant que vous compte ici a été compromis?
Il s'agit d'une fausse alerte. Plus d'informations à ce sujet ici!
Updated objects
Objets mis à jour
Ball for clutter
DIY Clutter - Ball

2024, September 27th

Unzip and place the .packages in your My Documents/EA/The Sims 4/Mods folder

Dézippez et placez les .packages dans le dossier Mes Documents/EA/Les Sims 4 /Mods
TSR Workshop Sims 4 Studio
My Sims Tumblr
Term of Use
You can use these objects to decorate your lots/buildings with a link of credit to their download page.
You can recolor these objects without redistributing the mesh (using this method), with a link of credit to their download page.
You can't redistribute these objects on your own site.
You can't convert any of my objects to any other game.

Vous pouvez utiliser ces objets pour décorer vos terrains et constructions, avec un lien de crédit vers la ou les pages de téléchargement des objets.
Vous pouvez recolorer ces objets sans redistribuer le mesh (en utilisant cette méthode), avec un lien de crédit vers la page de téléchargements.
Vous ne pouvez pas redistribuer ces objets sur votre propre site.
Vous ne pouvez pas convertir mes objets pour quelque jeu que ce soit.