Activity - The Whatever-you-want Sale Truck | La camionnette de vente Je-vends-ce-que-je-veux
I redid my food stand to work with Home Chef Hustle pack.
J'ai refait mes stands de vente afin qu'ils soient compatibles avec le pack Passion Cuisine.
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Sale truck | Camionnette de vente
Mesh in 8 variations designed by Sandy, based on EA mesh
Sale truck
Made with:TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2023, November 17th

Bike stand | Stand de vente à vélo
New mesh in 10 variations designed by Sandy
Bike stand
Made with:TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2023, November 17th

Trestles | Tréteaux
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy
Made with:TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2023, November 17th