Swimming-pool | Piscine

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Here's a set of new objects for your swimming-pool, with some floating objects, like foam noodles, boards or lanes, some decorative objects like lane cart or pole, a stackable locker, seats (a bench and a stack of pool loungers as sofa).
The starting block is based on the Get Together diving board, and so, for a second, the Sim climbs too high on it, before they finally dive from the right height.

Add-ons & edit: On requested, I've added a mid-open and an open lockers; I've also removed shadows to the closed lockers, so it looks better when stacked.


Voici quelques objets pour les pisicines de nos Sims: des flottants, comme une ligne de flottaison, des frites, des planches... mais aussi des sièges, comme un banc ou une pile de matelas pneumatique.
Le plot de départ est basé sur les hauts plongeoirs de "Get Together", et du coup, pendant une fraction de seconde, le Sim grimpe trop haut, avant de plonger de la bonne hauteur.

Ajouts et modification: comme demandé, j'ai ajouté un vestiaire ouvert et mi-ouvert; j'ai aussi retiré l'ombre de tous les vestiaires, c'est plus jolicomme ça quand c'est empilé! :)

Downloads | Téléchargements
Bench | Banc
New mesh in 9 variations designed by Sandy

Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2019, August 30th

Foam lane | Ligne de flottaison
New mesh in 4 variations designed by Sandy

Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2019, August 30th

Foam lane cart | Enrouleur de ligne de flottaison
New mesh in 6 variations designed by Sandy
Lane cart

Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2019, August 30th

Foam board | Planche
New mesh in 3 variations designed by Sandy

Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2019, August 30th

Foam noodle | Frite en mousse
New mesh in 6 variations designed by Sandy

Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2019, August 30th

Foam noodle cart | Chariot de frites en mousse
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy

Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2019, August 30th

Cart | Chariot
New mesh in 6 variation designed by Sandy

Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2019, August 30th

Pole | Perche
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy

Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2019, August 30th

Stack of loungers (sofa) | Pile de matelas pneumatiques (sofa)
New mesh in 4 variation designed by Sandy

Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2019, August 30th

Starting block | Plot de départ
New mesh in 11 variations designed by Sandy
Starting block

Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2019, August 30th
Updated the: 2021, November 3rd

Locker | Armoire de vestiaire
New mesh in 11 variations designed by Sandy

Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2019, August 30th
Updated the: 2019, September 19th

Locker, mid-open | Armoire de vestiaire, mi-ouverte
New mesh in 11 variations designed by Sandy

Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2019, September 20th

Locker, open | Armoire de vestiaire, ouverte
Uploaded the: 2019, September 20th

Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2019, August 30th