Easter Chocolates | Chocolats de Pâques
Easter Chocolate

Easter Chocolate

Donators' Privilege: Download the whole set in one click | Privilège des Donateurs: Téléchargement du set en un clic
All the files of the set can be downloaded for free below, one by one.. | Tous les fichiers du set peuvent être téléchargés gratuitement un par un ci-dessous.

Downloads | Téléchargements
Chocolate Bunny (toy) | Lapin en chocolat (jouet)
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy
Mesh Details (vertices/faces):
High Details: 440/584
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2016, March 25th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Chocolate Chick (toy) | Poule en chocolat (jouet)
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy
Mesh Details (vertices/faces):
High Details: 582/862
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2016, March 25th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Chocolate Egg (toy) | Oeuf en chocolat (jouet)
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy
Mesh Details (vertices/faces):
High Details: 151/224
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2016, March 25th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Chocolate Bell (toy) | Cloche en chocolat (jouet)
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy
Mesh Details (vertices/faces):
High Details: 205/274
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2016, March 25th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Donators' Privilege: Download the whole set in one click | Privilège des Donateurs: Téléchargement du set en un clic
All the files of the set can be downloaded for free below, one by one.. | Tous les fichiers du set peuvent être téléchargés gratuitement un par un ci-dessous.

The super awesome MunMun, who is the Queen of Sims Food, offered me to convert my chocolate toys as edible chocolate! They're 80% smaller than the toys, so they don't bleed through Sims hand while they're eaten! :)
La génialissime MunMun, Reine de la nourriture pour Sims, m'a proposé de convertir mes chocolats jouets en chocolat comestible! Les chocolats sont 80% plus petits que les jouets, afin qu'ils ne débordent pas de la main des Sims au moment d'être mangés.
Chocolate Bunny (edible) | Lapin en chocolat (comestible)
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy, modded by icemunmun
Mesh Details (vertices/faces):
High Details: 440/584
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2016, March 25th
Other version(s): Sims 3
Updated the: 2017, February 3rd

Chocolate Chick (edible) | Poule en chocolat (comestible)
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy, modded by icemunmun
Mesh Details (vertices/faces):
High Details: 582/862
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2016, March 25th
Other version(s): Sims 3
Updated the: 2017, February 3rd

Chocolate Egg (edible) | Oeuf en chocolat (comestible)
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy, modded by icemunmun
Mesh Details (vertices/faces):
High Details: 151/224
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2016, March 25th
Other version(s): Sims 3
Updated the: 2017, February 3rd

Chocolate Bell (edible) | Cloche en chocolat (comestible)
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy, modded by icemunmun
Mesh Details (vertices/faces):
High Details: 205/274
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2016, March 25th
Other version(s): Sims 3
Updated the: 2017, February 3rd

Easter eggs basket | Panier de Pâques
New mesh in 4 variations designed by Sandy, modded by icemunmun
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2017, April 21st
MOD REQUIRED to get it working
MOD REQUIS pour un bon fonctionnement


Easter eggs basket | Panier de Pâques
New mesh in 4 variations designed by Sandy, modded by icemunmun

Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2017, April 21st
MOD REQUIRED to get it working
MOD REQUIS pour un bon fonctionnement