Summer Works | Travaux d'été

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If I was playing only the Sims 4, I might not have done that set as the awesome Budgie2Budgie already made something similar, but I mostly play Sims 3, and there, I was deeply needing that set (a baby is coming, and the future grand-pa is redecorating the new nursery).
Moreover, I also needed that set to spur me on: in "real life", I'm about to repaint my kitchen, and somehow, it destressed me to mesh the objects I'll need then! (though I hate that, I always have something to paint during summer: fences, shutters, garden shed... that's why I called it "Summer works")
Last note, the stepladder is very similar to the one I did few years ago for the Sims 2 (though it's indeed a new mesh), because it's based on my old, but heavy and reliable stepladder, probably bought in the 1960's by my grand-parents, I've always wanted to redo it for Sims 3 (and then 4), it's finally done! :)

Most of the objects exist in clean and painted versions (12 colors); there's a slot on the closed paint can and on the paint tray.
The paint stains exist with and without slots; you can put them wherever you want, on floor like on surfaces, but then, they'll take a slot, that's why I made a version with, in case you want to put something on (unlike in the Sims 3, there's no command to disable to snap to slot in the Sims 4, which I find super annoying, and why I also made a without slot version).
Si je ne jouais qu'aux Sims 4, je n'aurais peut-être pas fait ce set, vu que notre géniale Budgie2Budgie a déjà réalisé quelque chose d'assez similaire, mais je joue surtout aux Sims 3, et là, j'avais très besoin de ce set de travaux (un grand-père passe les vacances chez sa fille sur le poit d'accoucher afin de préparer la chambre du futur bébé).
De plus, j'avais aussi besoin de ce set pour me motiver: je vais repeindre ma cuisine "dans la vraie vie", et ça m'a déstressée de dessiner ces objets avant de m'en servir pour de vrai! ;) (je déteste peindre bien que chaque été, il y ait toujours un truc à repeindre: la barrière, les volets, l'abri de jardin... d'où le nom du set! :))
Si jamais vous me suivez depuis trèèèèès longtemps, l'escabeau vous semblera peut-être familier car il est très similaire à celui que j'avais dessiné pour les Sims 2, il y a quelques années (mais je l'ai entièrement refait). C'est parce qu'il est basé sur mon "vrai" escabeau, lourd, couvert de taches de peintures, que mes grand-parents avaient du acheter dans les années 60. Ca faisait un moment que je voulais le refaire, et bien voilà, c'est fait! :)

La plupart de ces objets existent en version propre et tâchée de peinture (12 couleurs). Il y a un slot sur le pot de peinture fermé et le bac, vous permettant de poser quelque chose dessus.
De même, les tâches de peinture existent avec ou sans slot: fonctionnant comme des objets décoratifs, vous pouvez les placer où bon vous semble: sur le sol, sur une table... Mais sur une surface, elles occuperont un slot, la version "slot" vous permettra donc de replacer quelque chose dessus. Contrairement aux Sims 3, il n'y a pas de commande permettant de désactiver l'ancrage automatique d'un objet sur un slot, ce qui m'agace beacoup (vous voulez placer un objet quelque part, et bam, il part se coller ailleurs, aimanté par un slot!), et c'est pourquoi j'ai également fait une version sans slot.
Downloads | Téléchargements
Brush | Pinceau
New mesh in 14 variations designed by Sandy
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2016, August 19th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Paint Can - closed | Pot de peinture - fermé
New mesh in 16 variations designed by Sandy
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2016, August 19th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Paint roll | Rouleau de peinture
New mesh in 12 variations designed by Sandy
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2016, August 19th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Paint Tray | Bac à peinture
New mesh in 12 variations designed by Sandy
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2016, August 19th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Paint Can - open | Pot de peinture - ouvert
New mesh in 16 variations designed by Sandy
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2016, August 19th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Tarp | Bâche
Mesh designed by EA Sims 3, adapted in 2 variations by Sandy
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2016, August 19th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Scrapper | Racloir
New mesh in 3 variations designed by Sandy
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2016, August 19th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Steam Stripper | Décolleuse
New mesh in 4 variations designed by Sandy
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2016, August 19th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Step ladder | Escabeau
New mesh in 6 variations designed by Sandy
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2016, August 19th
Other version(s): Sims 3 - Sims 2

Trestle Table | Table à tréteaux
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2016, August 19th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Updated the: 2017, December 14th (for Cats & Dogs patch)

Trestle Table | Table à tréteaux
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2016, August 19th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Updated the: 2017, December 14th (for Cats & Dogs patch)

Trestle Table | Table à tréteaux
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2016, August 19th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Updated the: 2017, December 14th (for Cats & Dogs patch)

Paint Stains | Taches de peinture
New mesh in 24 variations designed by Sandy
(2 designs 12 colors)
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2016, August 19th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Paint Stains with slot | Taches de peinture
New mesh in 24 variations designed by Sandy
(2 designs 12 colors)
Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2016, August 19th
Other version(s): Sims 3

Face Paint Stains | Taches de peinture


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IKEA Assembly kit