Notes |
I usually don't mesh anything special for Valentine's Day, but for once, I needed stuff to set up a wedding and thought it could be eventually used for a romantic dinner as well!
So, what do we need?
Tables. I made a simple recolor of a base game table for the tête-à-tête. For the wedding version, I made a bigger version of that table, using Cats & Dogs mesh (I'm not sure you do need the EP to use it, I put a Cats & Dogs sticker so you won't be disappointed, but I don't know). For this bigger table, I used my own recolors but also the 22 original colors of the Undersea table.
Chairs. I absolutly wanted a Napoléon III chair (why? Geez, it seems to be THE wedding chair in France; any wedding I've been invited to, it was THE chair.) I made it with cushion, with bow, with nothing... Its color variations are mostly wedding inspired, but feel free to recolor it to your taste if needed (without joining the mesh please, thanks).
Table decor. Roses, candles... I also remade the rose petals EA gave us with City Living, it's now with several variations of colors and twice smaller (EA considers a rose head is as big as a head, no wonder I named my rose "headrose" during a migraine...). Petals can also be put on a surface.The candle holders can hold a candle, as supposed to, but also a rose.
I also made a plate with cutlery & glasses, it doesn't use any slot as it's already at table height, but it won't move with a the table. A functional plate can be placed on it. But the game drink looks silly, I couldn't find a satisfying setting considering the place EA used for the drink.
Pergola. For an outdoors wedding, I thought it was lovely to use the monkey bars EA made for Romantic gardens stuff pack. I simply removed some bars (and adjusted the textures then).
Je ne fais généralement rien de spécial pour la Saint-Valentin, mais j'organise un mariage dans mon jeu, et j'ai pensé que les objets créés pour l'occasion pourraient resservir pour un dîner romantique!
Alors, de quoi avons-nous besoin?
De tables. La table ronde avec nappe du jeu de base était parfaite pour un tête-à-tête, j'ai simplement ajouté deux variations très claires et "nuptiales". Pour la version banquet, j'ai agrandi cette même table en version pour six convives, d'après la table de Chiens et Chats (je ne suis pas sûre que cette expansion soit requise pour l'utilisation de cette table; dans le doute, j'ai quand même mis le logo Chiens & Chats pour vous prévenir). Cette table reprend bien sûr mes recolorations mais aussi les 22 couleurs originales de la table.
De chaises. Bon, j'avoue avec fait une fixette sur les chaises Napoléon III (utilisées à TOUS les mariages auxquels j'ai pu assister dans ma vie...), et du coup, je vous l'ai faite avec ruban, avec coussin, sans ruban, sans coussin... Ses couleurs sont là encore très "mariage" mais rien ne vous empêche de proposer vos recolorations (tout en n'incluant pas mon mesh, merci!)
De décors de table. Des roses, des bougies... J'ai réduit le "tapis de pétales de roses" d'EA (EA semble considérer qu'une rose est à peu près du diamètre d'une tête humaine), j'y ai ajouté des couleurs, et j'ai fait en sorte qu'elles puissent être posées sur une table.
Les bougeoirs en verre peuvent contenir des bougies, mais aussi des roses.
J'ai également fait une assiette avec couverts & verres; l'objet n'utilise aucun slot puisqu'il est à hauteur de table, mais il ne bouge pas avec la table quand vous déplacez celle-ci. Une assiette fonctionnelle peut être placée dessus. Mais, compte tenu de l'emplacement qu'EA a choisi pour placer les boissons, les verres fonctionnels ont un peu l'air sur les couverts.
Une tonnelle. Pour les mariages en extérieur, j'ai trouvé que les barres de suspension qu'EA nous a données pouvaient faire une très jolie tonnelle avec quelques barres en moins. |
| Téléchargements |
Chair | Chaise
New mesh in 3 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th
Updated the: 2021, April 9th
Chair with cushion | Chaise avec coussin
New mesh in 3 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th
Updated the: 2021, April 9th
Chair with bow | Chaise avec noeud
New mesh in 9 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th
Updated the: 2021, April 9th
Chair with cushion & bow | Chaise avec coussin et noeud
New mesh in 9 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th
Updated the: 2021, April 9th
Table for six | Table pour six
Modification of an EA mesh, in 25 variations, by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th
| Table for four | Table pour quatre
Recolors of a table base game, in 2 variations, by Sandy | | | Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th
Pergola | Tonnelle
Modification of an EA mesh, in 4 variations | | | | Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th
Petal mat | Tapis de pétales de rose
Modification of a EA mesh, in 4 variations | | | | Made with: TSR Workshop - Sims 4 Studio Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th
Rose | Rose
New mesh in 10 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th
Rose vase | Vase de roses
New mesh in 12 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th
Candle | Bougie
New mesh in 9 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th
Big candle with rose | Grosse bougie et rose
New mesh in 4 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th
Glass holder
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th
Glass holder
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th
Glass holder
New mesh in 1 variation designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th
Plate & Glasses | Assiette et verres
New mesh in 5 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2018, February 9th