Pet supplies shop | Objets pour animalerie |
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Notes |
I'm eagerly waiting for the next Sims 4 expansion pack with cats and dogs, so in the meanwhile, I remade some decorative items of my Sims 3 pet shop. I'll, of course, remake all the functional stuff plus tons of new ones, once the EP is released.
Most of these can be found under Decoratives/Misc (except the care products bottles that are under Clutter).
J'attends avec impatience la sortie de la prochaine expansion des Sims 4, Chiens et Chats. Pour occuper cette attente, j'ai refait certains des objets décoratifs de ma boutique pour animaux. Je referai bien sûr tous les objects fonctionnels, et plein de nouveaux, dès que l'expansion sera disponible.
La plupart de ces objets se trouvent dans le catalogue Décoration/Divers (sauf les bouteilles de produits de soin qui sont dans la catégorie Décoration/Bazar).
| Téléchargements |
Care products | Produits de soin
New mesh in 7 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Uploaded the: 2017, October 20th
Other version(s): Sims 3
Collar display | Présentoir de colliers
New mesh in 4 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Uploaded the: 2017, October 20th
Other version(s): Sims 3
Decorative pet bed | Panier décoratif
New mesh in 4 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Uploaded the: 2017, October 20th
Other version(s): Sims 3
Stack of litter boxes | Pile de litières
New mesh in 4 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Uploaded the: 2017, October 20th
Other version(s): Sims 3
Stack of bowls | Pile de gamelles
New mesh in 8 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Uploaded the: 2017, October 20th
Other version(s): Sims 3
Toy display | Présentoir de jouets
New mesh in 4 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with: TSR
Uploaded the: 2017, October 20th
Other version(s): Sims 3