Sometimes, there's really houses where I can't imagine the fridge without stuff on its door: the latest bills to pay, mails to open, a kid drawing, or a recipe...
But slots can't move with a fridge door (or at least, I failed), and it annoys me to see the decors in front of the inside of the fridge once the door is open, so I purely removed the door animation so it keeps closed (it doesn't prevent Sims from using the fridges, thankfully!)
I did that to 8 fridges coming with the game, they re-use the original textures.
These fridges will work like a corkboard, so you can pin postcards, but also lot of new decors, such as apron, family boards, pens.... They will also work with all my pinboard clutter!
There's also a large collection of stencils, that you can easily resize if needed with the usual shortcuts.
Last, for corkboards but also for these fridges, I wanted pictures taken by Sims!
The default in-game photograph system is so silly! :(
So, I made a replacement that will only affect small "no-frame" photographs (both portrait and landscape) for surfaces, you can still add a frame. As these are an overrides, they're optional and I made a special page for them.
Il y a parfois des maisons de Sims que je n'arrive pas à imaginer sans un peu de bazar ou de déco sur les portes du frigo: la dernière lettre arrivée, une facture à payer, une carte postale, une recette, des dessins...
Mais hélas, les slots, ces emplacements qui permettent de poser ou d'accrocher des objets ne peuvent pas bouger en même temps qu'une porte de frigo (ou en tout cas, je n'ai pas réussi à le faire), et si vous placez de la déco sur la porte, et bien, quand la porte s'ouvre, la déco reste en place, juste devant l'intérieur de votre frigo. Pas terrihle.
Pour éviter ce désagrément, j'ai encore préféré supprimer l'animation de la porte des frigos que je vous proposer aujourd'hui (tous issus du jeu et de certaines expansions, utilisant le texture de l'objet original)
Ces réfrigérateurs fonctionnent comme le tableau de liège du jeu, vous pouvez y "épingler" des cartes postales ainsi que plein d'autres choses comme des tabliers, des marqueurs, des dessins.... Vous pouvez aussi utiliser tous les objets que j'avais dessinés pour mon set "Tableau de liège".
Vous pouvez aussi placer un autocollant sur la porte (vous pouvez en changer la taille avec les raccourcis habituels).
Enfin, j'avais très envie que mes Sims puissent mettre leurs propres photos sur leur frigo, mais c'était impossible car les photos par défaut du jeu ne le permettent pas.
J'ai donc créé un fichier de remplacement qui ne concerne que les petites photos "sans cadre" (vous pouvez toujours ajouter un cadre depuis le jeu, en cliquant sur la photo). Comme ce sont des overrides (qui vont remplacer le fonctionnenemt de ces petites photos), j'ai préféré faire une page à part.
| Téléchargements
Fridges to decorate | Réfrigérateurs à décorer |
Fridge | Réfrigérateur
Modification of the EA mesh with its original variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Fridge | Réfrigérateur
Crisponix Adequate
Modification of the EA mesh with its original variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Fridge | Réfrigérateur
Crisponix Budget Deluxe
Modification of the EA mesh with its original variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Fridge | Réfrigérateur
Crisponix Budget Used
Modification of the EA mesh with its original variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Fridge | Réfrigérateur
Crisponix Splendid
Modification of the EA mesh with its original variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Fridge | Réfrigérateur
Icebox of Steel
Modification of the EA mesh with its original variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Fridge | Réfrigérateur
Modification of the EA mesh with its original variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Fridge | Réfrigérateur
Modification of the EA mesh with its original variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Fridge decors | Décors pour frigos |
Apron | Tablier
Based on a EA mesh in 9 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Family board | Tableau
New mesh in 10 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Family board | Tableau
New mesh in 10 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Marker | Marqueur
New mesh in 16 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Marker | Marqueur
New mesh in 16 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Bill | Facture
New mesh in 6 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Envelope | Enveloppe
New mesh in 5 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Envelope | Enveloppe
New mesh in 3 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Drawing | Dessin
New mesh in 3 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Drawing | Dessin
New mesh in 16 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Decals | Décals
New mesh in 36 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th
Dish towel | Torchon
New mesh in 8 variations designed by Sandy |
Made with:TSR
Workshop - Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded the: 2024, May 17th