Sims 2 University Mini-Fridge | Mini-Réfrigérateur Sims 2 Université

Not enough room for a full fridge? Try those mini-fridges, converted for Sims 2. They come in 8 different colors, are fully functional and they're indeed perfect for small spaces!
Pas assez de place pour un grand frigo? Essayez ce mini-réfrigérateur, converti des Sims 2. Il existe en 8 coloris, il est fonctionnel, et s'adaptera parfaitement aux petits espaces.
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New mesh in 8 variations, designed by EA - Sims 2 University, adapted to the Sims 4 by Sandy
Sims 2 University mini-Fridge for Sims 4
Mesh Details (vertices/faces):
High Details: 482/344
Low Details: 336/233
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2015, August 15th
>> Re-uploaded the: 2015, August 22nd - new version