Board Games | Jeux de société

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To keep the kids busy a rainy afternoon... oh wait, we don't have seasons yet... well, to keep the kids busy a boring afternoon, or for a game club, here's a collection of various gameboards, with the old classics, like Monopoly or Scrabble but also with the very unfamous Cochon Qui Rit that was a favorite of mine when I was a child, and that might only exist in France?
Pour occuper les enfants un après-midi pluvieux... ah, non, on n'a pas de saisons... Bon, pour occuper les enfants un après-midi ennuyeux ou pour un club de jeux voire un tripot, voici une collection de jeux de société, avec les grands classiques, comme le Monopoly ou le Scrabble, mais aussi avec le Cochon Qui Rit, qui était un de mes jeux préférés quand j'avais 7 ans, et qui n'existe peut-être qu'en France?
How to use | Mode d'emploi
1) Choose a board game from the Buy Catalog, under Activities/Recreation
2) Place chairs around the game, and check that they "stick" to it, by moving the game board: chairs should move with.
3) Type "bb.moveobjects" in the cheat window (open it by pressing Ctrl-Shift-C), and place a table of your choice under the game.
4) Turn off the moveobjects code by typing it again.

1) Choisissez un jeu depuis le Mode Achat, dans le catalogue Activités/Récréation
2) Placez des chaises auour du jeu en vous assurant qu'elles y "collent": déplacez le jeu, les chaises devront suivre si elles sont correctement placées
3) Tapez "bb.moveobjects" dans la fenêtre de code (que vous appelez en tapant Ctrl-Maj-C), et placez la table de votre de choix sous le jeu.
4) Désactivez le code moveobjects en retapant le code.

Downloads | Téléchargements
Monopoly - simlish & english
New mesh in 2 variations, designed by Sandy
Mesh Details (vertices/faces):
High Details:1029/614
Low Details: 592/340
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2015, June 26th
Other version(s): Sims 1 - Sims 3
Scrabble - simlish & english
New mesh in 2 variations, designed by Sandy
Mesh Details (vertices/faces):
High Details:1740/1640
Low Details: 868/612
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2015, June 26th
Other version(s): Sims 1 - Sims 3
Clue - simlish & english | Cluedo - simlish & anglais
New mesh in 2 variations, designed by Sandy
Mesh Details (vertices/faces):
High Details:656/496
Low Details: 282/132
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2015, June 26th
Other version(s): Sims 1 - Sims 3
Trivial Pursuit
New mesh in 1 variation, designed by Sandy
Trivial Pursuit
Mesh Details (vertices/faces):
High Details:920/628
Low Details: 430/224
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2015, June 26th
Other version(s): Sims 1 - Sims 3
New mesh in 1 variation, designed by Sandy
Mesh Details (vertices/faces):
High Details: 974/864
Low Details: 294/252
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2015, June 26th
Other version(s): Sims 3
Cochon Qui Rit
New mesh in 1 variation, designed by Sandy
Cochon Qui Rit

Mesh Details (vertices/faces):
High Details: 1663/1508
Low Details: 1663/1508
Made with: TSR Workshop
Uploaded the: 2015, June 26th
Other version(s): Sims 3