"Stuck in the Sims 4"
Episode 4

The morning after, I wasn't feeling happier... I had hoped I would eventually wake up back in my real bed, but nope... Worse, my funds had dramatically dropped down!

My cereals looked as if a Photoshop palette had exploded on them...

Things were going from bad to worse. I had to pay bills! Holy cow, how could I have thought it would be funnier to double the bills with the MC Command Center?! It sure wouldn't help to make me popular in town...

I really had to find a way to earn money, and possibly, without getting out of my comfort zone. Not that I wanted to spend my life here, but I knew that Sims had needs to fill, and I had to play the game if I wanted to get a chance to find back my real life!
I could craft objects for Sims! After all, it's something that I was doing in real life! (not that it made me earning any money though!)

Wow... somehow, all of sudden, I almost came to regret Blender. Creating stuff wasn't an easy business!

Too depressed to keep crafting, I put a bench outside to read a book about charisma. I was going to need it!
I could easily greet any jogger running by. I knew for sure Sims 4 were quite obsessed about running. I regretted to not have thought to that earlier, I would have earnt time.

Indeed, it wasn't long before I saw a first Sim running toward me, with a garbage bag in the hand. I recognized him. He was also one of the Roommates. I had changed his cool friends into nasty teens, and left him as the only adult of the household. That wasn't going to help me.
He dropped conscienciously the garbage bag near my mailbox...

Episode 3 <  4  > Episode 5